I am a lecturer at the College of Staten Island, City University of New York. In the winter, I also teach PSY 101 with the CUNY School of Professional Studies.
Regarding Reference Letters: Dear Student, if you want me to write a reference letter for you, please send me an e-mail explaining why you think I am qualified to write such letter. If you were registered in one of my classes, please make sure you got a good grade in my class! (B+ and above). Please keep in mind that if you did not register for PSY 594, Psychology Independent Study with me, it will be hard for me to be accurate about your many skills, I can only speak about what I know from my class or from documents you provide. Consider asking someone who knows you better than me, be strategic about applying to grad school, internships, or other opportunities . If you want me to write a letter for you, I will require that you provide a personal statement, description of the program you are applying to, and keep in mind that I will look at your CUNY transcript.
Note: I don't mean to sound mean or discourage you, I am in fact rooting for you and this is why I want you to do your best. Stop by my office (or personal zoom) for a conversation if you think it will help you get to where you are going. |
PSY 201
PSY 324
PSY 594