There is a new and unique resource that shows the comprehensive, yet consistent, view of environmental social science. This reader, which is bound to be a widely used textbook, is described below:
"The People, Place, and Space Reader brings together the excerpted writings of scholars, designers, and activists from a variety of fields upon which we draw in our teaching and research to make sense of the makings and meanings of the world we inhabit. They help us to understand the relationships between people and the environment at all scales, and to consider the active roles individuals, groups, and social structures play in creating the environments in which people live, work, and play." (excerpt from the introduction)
Visit the si te to learn more abo ut the many areas the reader covers.
"The People, Place, and Space Reader brings together the excerpted writings of scholars, designers, and activists from a variety of fields upon which we draw in our teaching and research to make sense of the makings and meanings of the world we inhabit. They help us to understand the relationships between people and the environment at all scales, and to consider the active roles individuals, groups, and social structures play in creating the environments in which people live, work, and play." (excerpt from the introduction)
Visit the si te to learn more abo ut the many areas the reader covers.